Monday, July 9, 2012

Ahhhh!  A new computer!  I can actually type as fast as I want to, or am able to, and it keeps up!  What a luxury.  I was going to wait another 2-3 months while I saved up the cash but then got frustrated and decided to just go get one at Best Buy and be done with it. The deciding factor was when I was trying to send an email to a friend that was only about 5 lines and it took me 4 minutes to get it typed!  I was SO done!  I invited Dad to go with me for the drive and he chuckled and said, "I KNEW you wouldn't wait" and went to his room.  He came back and hands me cash and said, "I have been saving this for your birthday so that you could get a better computer!"  What a SWEET thing.  So, Happy Early Birthday to me and my new HP 17" screen, full keyboard, 500GB, 4G Ram, 2.2Ghz Computer!!!! Thank you Dad!!!

1 comment:

  1. Your dad is the BEST!! Tell him the guy he used to protect you from getting forced says HI!
