Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Well, it's been more than a week since my last post!  UH OH!  I promised myself I would post at least once a week.  Here is my excuse:

Let me set up a little scenario for you.  I usually write my blog on my laptop just before going to sleep at night. It settles me in and lets me get stuff out of my head before I lay down to sleep.  Well, my last few attempts have gone badly. 

I turn on my computer and then I go wash my face, brush my teeth, put on lotion and putter around for a minute or so and then come back to the computer.  It's still booting up.  So, I go putter around again and come back.  It's booted up, but is now running a scan.  During the scan, it runs so slow that there is no point in trying to type something because I can type faster than the word processor can keep up with.  Now, don't think that I am some blazing typist because I only type about 45-50 wpm. Its just that the computer is so slow that it can't keep up.  Well, after about 15-20 minutes, I can sit down with the laptop and start to type, unless some other background program starts running.

So, you say, why not turn off the background programs?  Well, some of it is Windows Vista, some of it is a virus scan, and some are updates.  None of which I feel comfortable turning off.  I have gone in and run antivirus scans and spybot and malware checks and have even done a defrag.  No avail.  I think this all boils down to one solution:  I need a new laptop!  My current laptop is about 10 years old so I guess it is due for retirement.  Now all I have to do is sort through the myriad ads out there and find what I need and want for the best bang for the buck.  A shopping I will go....SIGH.  But, when I get my new laptop, I will have something to BLOG about! :-)

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