Sunday, July 22, 2012

My bedroom is on the West side of the house and my bed faces that direction also.  Since the sun does not set until after 9pm I can sit in my bed and watch the sunset in comfort.  I sat here tonight and watched a beautiful sunset and realized that it was accompanied by a symphony of sound.  The crickets set the pulsing rhythm with the cicadas adding in a crashing symbol on occasion.  Then in the distance I heard the horn section of a lonely train making its way to some unknown destination.  The coyotes chorused in the neighbor’s field, far enough away to be enjoyable and not a worry.  Out came the fireflies to add their light show and dance to the evening event. The night is finally cool enough, after so many hot days, that I can open my doors and enjoy the evening’s concert and show.  How lovely to be able to sit and relax and watch and then just to be able to roll over, and slip softly into sleep and wonder what tomorrow evening will be like.

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